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Baby & Toddler Meetup
Sunday 18th February 

Are you tired of doing the same old things? Do you want to try something new, exciting, and meet like-minded people? Then you're in the right place! Here at Random Fun Adventures we believe that experiences are best shared with others, which is why we provide a platform for like-minded people to come together, make new friends, and have tonnes of fun. 
This week, we have the Our Baby & Toddler Meetup. This Event Is Aimed At Mums/Dads/Parents/Carers/Babies/Toddlers & Parents To Be 

Time: 12:00pm - 14:00pm  
Location: Green Gables Soto Grande
Date: Sunday 18th February 
Google Maps Pin:
Price: €5.00 Per Child
Its free to register your place here online today. Then the €5.00 Per Child is paid directly to Green Gables on the day. 

Time: 12:00pm - 14:00pm - However, we know how Kiddos can be. So feel free to arrive at 12:00pm, after 12:00pm, for an hour, the full two hours, or when ever suits you and your little one(s). Absolutely no pressure!

The initial meetup will be a couple of hours (12:00pm - 14:00pm) However, if time allows, maybe we can add on little walks after or some time at the beach. Bring along blankets, snacks and toys, so the kiddies can play, and the adults can have a natter. 

Random Fun Adventures wanted to collaborate with Green Gables because its an incredibly magical place, where happiness and fun reign. They have amazing outdoor and indoor spaces for our little ones to have the best few hours of fun. Green Gables believe that education through play and the natural environment are fundamental pillars for the healthy growth and development of our children.

These meetups will be a place where we can enjoy our kiddies together, have fun, go on adventures, share hints, tips, ask questions, air concerns, plan family trips & meet other people here on the coast. 

They say "It Takes a Village To Raise a Child" 👶👶🏻👶🏼👶🏽👶🏾👶🏿So we've created these Baby & Toddler Meetups, to help us create 'Our Own Little Village' 👱🧔🧑‍🦰🧕🧑🏾‍🦱🧑‍🦲👩🏼‍🦳 Being an Expat, away from Family & Friends is not easy. So we're hoping these little meetups will help us fill those gaps. 

Recommended Packing List 
☑ Comfortable Footwear & Comfortable Clothing
☑ Blanket
☑ Toys
☑ Sun Umbrella / Or Waterproofs Depending On The Weather 
☑ Swimwear & Towel (For Pool / Beach Meetups) 
☑ Snacks
☑ Sun Cream
☑ Lots of Water
☑ Medication (If Needed)
☑ Camera

If you want to stay in the loop about all these Baby & Toddler Meetups, join our Facebook Group:

And our dedicated WhatsApp Chat: 

Our Upcoming Meetups Will Be...
Sunday 18th February
Tuesday 12th March
Thursday 18th April
Tuesday 7th May
Thursday 13th June
Tuesday 16th July 
Tuesday 13th August 
Thursday 5th September
Tuesday 8th October 
Tuesday 5th November 
Thursday 12th December 

I'd also love to start planning more Weekend Meetups too. Maybe to the Farm, the Zoo, the Waterpark and so on. So let me know if you have any suggestions, and I'll get them in the diary!

Thanks so much!

Ria & Baby Ace xx 💜💜 xx

PRICE = €5.00 Per Child
It's Free To RSVP Your Place Online Today
Then Payment of €5.00 Per Child can be paid directly to Green Gables on the day!


WhatsApp Image 2023-07-22 at 00.09.03.jpeg

Remember, Random Fun Adventures is perfect for EVERYONE!
Don't let coming alone put you off. You'll be made to feel welcome and part of the #RFATribe from the GET GO! And likewise, these events are equally amazing for FRIENDS, GROUPS, BUSINESSES, FAMILIES & HOLIDAY MAKERS


If you need me, I'm right here if you have any questions...



📞 +34 619 613 230





Terms & Conditions

1.1 All events will be ran by Myself, a #RFA Ambassador or a Third Party Company. You'll be advised of all the finer details once you have RSVPed. 

1.2 Due to the website transaction fees and admin processing times, if you are unable to attend an event and need to cancel, €10.00pp will be retained from your booking. Please ensure you're happy with the event, date & times before proceeding with your reservation. If you cancel your place(s) within 7 working days, or do not attend on the day, sadly 100% of your booking fee will be retained

1.3 If you'd prefer, you can also send payment for all events via 
Bank Transfer = Ria Thomas, Caixa Bank, IBAN ES47 2100 9035 7302 0035 4095, BIC CAIXESBBXXX

Bizum = +34 619 613 230
Or Revolut = +34 619 613 230
Simply put your Name & Event as the reference

1.4 Photographs, Videos & Boomerangs will  be taken throughout all events. Please let me know if you'd prefer to be removed from these, as all material is reused to promote Random Fun Adventures on all social media platforms. 

1.5 Random Fun Adventures is covered under Public Liability Insurance. However, it is recommended to purchase your own additional insurance to cover any specific medical conditions and / or your personal belongings. 

1.6 Email Addresses are automatically added to the Random Fun Adventures Mailing List, so look out for future updates. 

By completing the booking process, you are agreeing to all of the terms and conditions outlined above.
AND FINALLY... If you'd like to keep up to date with EVERYTHING Random Fun Adventures Related... Be sure to check out these following links...

#RFA WhatsApp Group
#RFA Email Mailing List
#RFA Facebook Page -
#RFA Instagram Page -
#RFA Meetup Page -
#RFA Facebook Group -

If you are tired of doing the same old things, want to try something new, exciting, and meet like-minded people, then get following the above pages, and share with your like-minded friends & family too

See you on a Random Fun Adventure real soon!!! 


Ria xx 💜 💜 xx

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